Friday, April 13, 2012

So a while back I got into an argument with a friend of mine. He was determined to convince me that evolution was all made up and creationism is where it's at. We probably argued for about 6 hours with neither of us convincing the other in any way that their beliefs were wrong. Here's the thing though. What started out as a polite debate about creationism vs. evolution eventually turned into him trying to tell me that I was going to hell. By the end of it I had brought him down to his last argument which was "you have to believe me because if you don't you're going to hell". This is where you religious nuts lose me. When he said that to me I asked him what he believed was going to happen to the rest of the people on the planet who practice a different religion then him. He told me they were all going to hell too. So I pointed out that most religions had been around a lot longer then his religion so what makes him think his religion is the right religion? Well, the bible [he said] tells us this and this and we must worship the bible. So this went on for ever and ever and by the end of it I was thoroughly convinced there is no god, and he was thoroughly convinced that we are all evil sinners and I'm going to burn for eternity. When he left I felt sad. Not for me but for him, for all those people who are taught from a young age that they are right, the rest of the world is wrong and they are the only ones going to heaven so long as they follow the rules. I live my life. I am a good person and I don't need an organization to tell me that I'm a bad person if I don't do what they feel is right. That is what I elect my government for.
I no longer wish to see you any more!

Why is it that a religion that was created 2000 years ago is acceptable to follow but a new religion comes forward and everyone calls it a cult and criticizes it. Do people not see that to people like me all religions look that way? Whether your religion is 2000 years or 2 years old I don't think any of them are real. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the guidance they offer to people in a crisis or a big life decision. But to tell people to devote their lives to these organizations is wrong. I will not be a part of it and I would appreciate it if these organizations (because I feel that's what they are) would stop approaching me on the street, in the bus, at my door and through my friends. Because I will not change my mind. These people need to learn to respect our difference in opinion and belief because I am sick of being told that I am a bad person for not believing in god! If I walk into a church and tell the pastor I think he's full of crap then I'm doing something wrong. If two people approach me on the street and tell me I'm going to burn and hell and that I'm stupid for not believing in god then that's perfectly OK? I could really go on forever and I would love to start a running segment of creationist arguments and my rebuttals towards them because I have a lot to say! So ciao for now! Stay tuned for more!!


Thursday, April 12, 2012

So it has been awhile since I posted anything! Not like I've just been lazy and ignoring you all! I want you to go back and read the first post in the blog. I'll wait...

The Family
So I'm back! I've come back to the middle of nowhere to try something different and hopefully move forward in life. I'm happier then I've ever been and that alone was worth the trip. I look forward to sharing more with you as I continue this journey!! 

So off we go! Full speed ahead!
