Wednesday, February 17, 2016

He Lives!

I don't know if anybody actually remembers that this blog exists... In fact- I don't know if blogs are even still a thing. Do people read these anymore or are we too busy clicking through a million pages of those stupid lists of stolen Reddit content that you could've seen ages ago without all the ads if you'd bothered to go on reddi- never mind. I digress.

So anyways, I've recently gotten the urge to share my thoughts with you again valued reader. I'm three years wiser then when I last wrote on here and what a difference three years can make! When I started this blog it was New Life, New Challenges, Same Person. Well as it stands now, that new life of mine is about 6 years old. That's pretty insane. I don't even remember writing half the posts and I'm utterly appaled by my overuse of the phrase 'holy crap'. I used it way too much. In fact, let us all agree that holy crap is henceforth banished. In lieu of 'holy crap' I will use the much more adult 'holy shit' and if that offends you I hate to inform you that we can't be friends. No, no dear reader. I refuse to associate with that kind of person. You can, however, watch from a distance where you can no longer hear my profanities because let me tell you. I swear... I swear a lot. 

So let's get down to the nitty gritty. What's new with me? Well, I have the same job still! 4 years this spring! Do I love it? Oh man, the number of times I'm asked that question still blows me away. I hear it at work. I hear it when someone new finds out what I do. I hear it at family functions. I hear it shouted at me as I parade through town! Every single time without fail my answer is the same. The same unchanged boring answer I have provided from day 1. Are you ready for this? Are you ready for me to settle this seemingly fascinating question that absolutely everybody seems to ask me? Yes. It's fine. No, the math is not that hard. Yes, I do have funny stories but unfortunately I cannot divulge information about anything that goes on in that building because they'll fire me. End of job talk.

Let's move on to something more interesting now shall we? Yes, lets. 

I've moved away from my dear aunt. Well, more accurately she moved away from me. Off she went to Australia and off I went to the bustling town of Gananoque. Never heard of it you say? Well it exists, I assure you. That lasted a year and a bit before taking the courageous almost too adult-y step of moving in with my significant other! Jesus, even that was almost a year ago. Clearly it's going well if I'm still here. I'm now surrounded by my new family and friends and I can happily say I have roots here now. I love where I live, I love what I do (sometimes) and I love the people who I have met on this journey. If I could have forseen myself sitting here writing this 6 years ago I can honestly say that I would not have believed you. I would not have believed that teenage me would step so far out of his comfort zone, move 300km away from home and be this happy surrounded by people who love me and who I love. 

Anyways, that's all I have to say for now. I enjoy this outlet still and to be completely honest with you I forgot it existed and also I spilled wine on my keyboard so this would have been a pain to write for the longest time. Silly me can't be bothered to spend 10$ on a new keyboard. Silly me can't be bothered to move the wine glass after spilling it 6 times in a row reaching for the mouse! 

Ciao for now! I'll try to come back tomorrow!!  
