Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Lost Generation

Hey guys,

So I was looking through some old pictures that I had stashed away in my drawer and it occurred to me that we haven't actually printed pictures in ages! The invent of the digital camera seemed to completely eliminate the need for actual photographs and then along came facebook which offered to store our pictures for us. I won't argue that its convenient but it got me thinking about all the things that we store on hard drives. It doesn't take long to realize how vulnerable we've become by making our lives digital. By storing records online and pictures online and important documents online that in the past would have been stored in a fireproof vault somewhere. Naturally this thought train led me to wonder, what would happen if some cataclysmic event occurred that destroyed our computers and wiped out everything we had worked so hard to accumulate over the years. And if such an event occurred then who would tell our story? What would our generation look like in 100 years. It appears that it would be so easy for us to just disappear off the radar and that's a little bit scary...

My final word: Print out your pictures and your documents. Keep a physical copy of things because we've all been there. We've all crashed a computer and kicked ourselves for not backing it up.

I leave you with a picture I took awhile back, its gorgeous. Enjoy :)

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