Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dear Occupy...

Dear 99%,

Let me start by saying I have no problem with protest. I have no problem with letting your government know what you're thinking but that isn't what I want to talk about. I want to talk about your message and your purpose. Let's face it, you're failing big time. The media doesn't care and the general public thinks of you as a bunch of lazy squatters. You harass police and get upset when they do their job and cry big bad government whenever you get the chance. With support for your movement dwindling I continue to ask myself why you don't give up. You sleep on the street in the cold and the elements whilst the rich you are protesting against sleep soundly in their beds. Am I the only one who see's that you may be doing this all wrong? Contrary to what you choose to believe this isn't some sort of revolution. It's about a bunch of people who are angry at their country's banking system. I agree with this, but lets not put it on par with the arab spring. I mean, come one. Those people were facing a murderous opressive government and well... your problem is more about a few slimy rich guys who crashed your economy. But here's the thing. What exactly do you hope to accomplish? Do you honestly think that taking to the street day in and day out is really going to make a difference? How about you study hard, get a good paying job and try and change the system from the inside out. It's one of the things that makes our society so great. You CAN go from rags to riches with a lot of hard work and a lot less whining.

When the Occupy movement began I wanted more then anything to go be a part of it but I have a job, bills to pay and responsibilities that can't be put on hold indefinitely whilst I try to change the world. Like it or not you live in a capitalist society. Accept that. If you don't like it then get out in your community, get elected. If people believe in what you believe then you shouldn't have too hard of a time getting your voices heard. But sleeping in parks? Blocking traffic and disrupting the lives of the very people you're trying to help? Enough is enough. You don't win the support of the 99% you represent if you piss them off.


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