Saturday, July 14, 2012

An open letter to 'Yahoo!'

First off let me start off by saying I enjoy 'Yahoo!'. I've had an e-mail with them that may be full of spam but still gets used. I use yahoo answers all the time and it's not the worst place to read the news. That being said I read on the interwebz the other day that there had been a major password breach on their servers and that something like 400,000 accounts had been compromised. I paid absolutely no attention to it because I don't have anything sensitive on there anyway so why should I care. Well yesterday I get a notification from Amazon notifying me that a suspicious IP address has tried to change my password. I thought that was odd but whatever. Later I get an e-mail from twitter that said the same thing! Then I had a eureka moment! Those two accounts both use the same username and password that my Yahoo account used. But wait a minute... Certainly if my account had been compromised yahoo would have notified me! Right? Nope. I logged onto my yahoo account this morning and there was no problem. My old password still worked and I saw no mention that my account was now open for the world to see since I assume my username and password are now on some list on some shady website for the scum of the internet to see. Clearly basic damage control says you automatically reset the compromised accounts passwords and notify them IMMEDIATELY. I understand you shouldn't be using the same password across multiple accounts but that's no excuse for them to remain absolutely silent. I will be cancelling all my accounts with those people like many people before me.

Remember when Sony had the same security breach? I couldn't access my account for ages. Then when I finally could the first thing they did was make me reset my password and I haven't lost my faith in them but yahoo? I now trust you more then that nigerian prince who promised to send me millions of dollars!

Farewell Yahoo!!!!!!
Pissed off

Friday, July 6, 2012


One day I'll stick to writing on here. But for now you'll have to live with sporadic posts when I have the chance. It's been a very busy couple of months. I've found a new job which I won't expose to all you lovely Internet peeps but needless to say it has been a hectic crazy few months of learning and sleeping. All in the name of a job that is unlike any job I've ever had before!

So a few weeks ago a headline grabbed my attention. Well, not so much grabbed but ripped my attention away from its normal happy place. You've heard of this whole zombie man in Miami? Well if you haven't step out from under your rock for a few minutes and google it. A man named Rudy Eugene was found at the side of the road in Miami. He was naked and chewing a man's face off. Police said he growled at an officer who told him to stop and appeared to show super human strength. Now that story alone was enough to convince people that we were indeed seeing the beginning of a zombie Apocalypse. But then it was explained that this man wasn't a zombie. He was just on this drug called bath salts. I didn't know whether to be relieved or even more worried! Now there's a drug out there that completely normal people could take which would turn them into cannibals? Lovely. But THEN it came out that this man had nothing but pot in his system. I'm no pot head but I know that pot does not do that to a person. So what turned Rudy Eugene from a church going decent man into a cannibalistic maniac? I guess we'll never know.

Nothing to worry about!
Moving on... It has been an interesting few weeks weather wise. Not only have we seen a lot of heat we've seen some incredibly severe weather. Let me tell you a little story... I was preparing myself for work and was all ready to go when the power went out. I looked outside and it was sunny. Dark in the distance but still sunny! Power stayed out long after I left for work. I got to work and went in and that was that. But my lovely aunt was just down the road from me and happened to get this picture of this monster of a storm funnel whatever going over my head. Can't say I would have felt better knowing that that thing was passing over me but a little heads up from SOMEONE would have been nice!!!

Nope. No longer in Kansas
This next photo was taken around the same time our power went out and is probably the reason WHY the power was out. 5 minutes away from our house this thing roared on whilst the entire village stood on the front lawn asking each other if their lights were off as well.

Overall an interesting month. Each day brings something new and I'm very thankful that my life has taken such an interesting turn over the last few months. I'll leave you to get back to whatever it is you do on the Internet.
