Saturday, July 14, 2012

An open letter to 'Yahoo!'

First off let me start off by saying I enjoy 'Yahoo!'. I've had an e-mail with them that may be full of spam but still gets used. I use yahoo answers all the time and it's not the worst place to read the news. That being said I read on the interwebz the other day that there had been a major password breach on their servers and that something like 400,000 accounts had been compromised. I paid absolutely no attention to it because I don't have anything sensitive on there anyway so why should I care. Well yesterday I get a notification from Amazon notifying me that a suspicious IP address has tried to change my password. I thought that was odd but whatever. Later I get an e-mail from twitter that said the same thing! Then I had a eureka moment! Those two accounts both use the same username and password that my Yahoo account used. But wait a minute... Certainly if my account had been compromised yahoo would have notified me! Right? Nope. I logged onto my yahoo account this morning and there was no problem. My old password still worked and I saw no mention that my account was now open for the world to see since I assume my username and password are now on some list on some shady website for the scum of the internet to see. Clearly basic damage control says you automatically reset the compromised accounts passwords and notify them IMMEDIATELY. I understand you shouldn't be using the same password across multiple accounts but that's no excuse for them to remain absolutely silent. I will be cancelling all my accounts with those people like many people before me.

Remember when Sony had the same security breach? I couldn't access my account for ages. Then when I finally could the first thing they did was make me reset my password and I haven't lost my faith in them but yahoo? I now trust you more then that nigerian prince who promised to send me millions of dollars!

Farewell Yahoo!!!!!!
Pissed off

1 comment:

  1. yo guy I completely know how you feel man
