Friday, March 2, 2012

Iran, Nuclear threat?

So like most of the world I've been following the various events taking place in the middle east. Notably, Iran. I've been following this story closely because not only is it incredibly fascinating it's also incredibly similar to something that happened about ten years ago. Remember the Bush Administration? Remember when they cried about Saddam Hussein and his weapons of mass destruction? Remember how there weren't actually any weapons of mass destruction yet the war continued on for another ten years? Remember?? Or have we all forgotten. History is repeating itself in front of our very eyes and it looks like we're stupid enough to fall for it again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Wake up people! Iran isn't that incredibly stupid that they would risk an all out nuclear war with the U.S. They know that there is no way in hell they would win that war.

Then you have Israel crying for help because a nuclear Iran is a threat to them. Did you catch that last part? TO THEM! Not to us, to them. Why do we in the west feel like we need to meddle in the affairs of the rest of the world? What business do we have to tell them what to do and how to do it? As far as I'm concerned we don't. If Israel is worried then let them worry. They're grown ups, they should be able to defend themselves. As a sovereign nation that has been around for awhile now you would think they'd be able to handle this themselves.

I'm going to end with a little bit of advice to all my fellow neighbours to the south. Think back to the beginning of the Iraq war and think back to the whole you dug yourselves into. A bloody, messy, lengthy EXPENSIVE war that destabilized an entire nation and turned an entire race of people against you. Was it worth it? Is it worth doing again?

Just something to think about


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