Monday, March 5, 2012

Paradigm Shift

Let's talk about something out of the ordinary here. Something potentially life changing. Something so basic it affects all of us in every single aspect of our lives. Let's talk about the power of negativity and positivity and how it can potentially change all of our lives for the better.

Perhaps you've heard about the movie (or the novel) 'The Secret'. This is all about wanting something bad enough that the universe will give it to you. Most of us would read this and automatically assume that it's nonsense. However, this movie made me think about my own life and the course of events on any given day. I began to realize how negative my thoughts had become as I got older. How the things I worried about going wrong in my life are going wrong, how the things I dread come true and how the things that keep me up at night seem unsolvable. The message of this movie was bollocks on the surface but let's read between the lines here. Let's take a look at the message they are trying to get across because when we do we see evidence of it everywhere. I want you to think about your thoughts. Are you thinking about what you want in life? What you don't want? What can go wrong? What has gone wrong? Well stop. These are all negative emotions. If you truly want something then imagine you have it. Imagine the feeling of satisfaction and happiness now that you've finally accomplished your goal or your dream. Don't imagine the work you need to do to get there. Don't imagine the hardships, imagine that one single moment when you've done it. For example let's say you want that promotion at work. You spend all your time thinking about how much you want it but it isn't working. Why is that? You are so focused on want that you aren't thinking about have. Stop thinking about how much you want it and close your eyes and pretend you've gotten that promotion. Feel that pride, satisfaction and happiness. Don't think about the fact that you're only pretending. Don't think about the fact that you haven't actually gotten the promotion. Just sit there and embrace those good positive emotions associated with it. The theory is that subconsciously we are always trying to validate our emotions. If we are worried about missing the bus we will miss the bus, if we are certain we'll catch it then we'll catch it. Likewise if you are experiencing the emotions associated with that promotion you will do everything necessary to attain it.

The theory presented in the movie is basically the same. However, they focus more on energy. The more energy you project the more you receive. If you project negativity you receive negative energy. If you project positive energy you will receive it. This is known as the law of attraction. But what are your thoughts and emotions but different frequencies of energy. Therefore it stands to reason that if I think about my desires enough and I project that image in which I've acquired it, the universe and my own subconscious will do everything it can to validate and attract that which I desire. It's a wonderful thought. It opens up your mind to  an entirely new way of thinking. There are those who would automatically dismiss it and that's fine. But there are also those who are skeptical and try it only to have it fail. Why is that? Because you don't believe it and the universe will validate that.

I feel like I'm very open minded as is my friend (we watched the movie together) and we were incredibly intrigued by this. So we went to the coffee shop. For those non-Canadians we have this think up here called roll up the rim. Basically you get a coffee and you roll up the lip of the cup and either win or lose. You could win many different prizes (coffee, money, cars, doughnuts etc.) but it's a running joke with us that we always lose. So today we decided before we went in to get our coffees we would put this to the test. He sat there with his eyes closed and imagined himself winning. I sat there and did nothing, I consciously expected to lose and he expected to win even though he never has. So we get our coffees and we're sitting there discussing this and he finishes and rolls up the rim. He won, I didn't. Coincidence? Perhaps. But what's the harm in believing positivity and prosperous thoughts attract the things we want and dream of.

If you've read this I thank you. If you aren't convinced that's a shame and I urge you watch this movie (it can be found on Netflix) if not for the metaphysical message then the self help message which is incredibly empowering.

~Sending out happy thoughts to you!~


  1. Positivity is a powerful thing. I've never doubted that. It helps nothing to be negative, it's true.

    I think it's a bit harder, though, when your goals and wishes are people based, rather than event or item based.

    Regardless, staying positive is always a good thing. I'm happy that you've come to this conclusion too. Anything to make you happier is good.

  2. I agree that this is a lot more difficult when it comes to other people but I think as long as your intentions are pure and positive then you could totally influence someone else with this method even without realizing it!
