Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Who's back?

Guess who's back! It's me! I say it over and over. You must blog... YOU MUST but I never get around to doing it and it's a shame since I have so much to talk about... haha anybody who knows me knows that that is not the case. I've always had an interest in keeping a blog that I could read years in the future to bring back the memories lost over time.

So let me start out by painting you a verbal picture (that's a thing right?). I enjoy reading blogs and news articles but I always wonder about the person that's writing them. Are they sitting in an office? On the couch watching something that's taking away half their brain? Or are they sitting naked in the bath with a bottle of wine and a laptop on the side? It most definitely is one of the great mysteries of life so I've decided that when I post a post I shall start out by describing the current situation as it appears around me. So here goes. As I write this I am lying in bed all tucked in and ready to sleep propped up on a pillow. Of course I have music playing and I am sitting in the dark. It's extremely difficult to see the keyboard so I do apologize for any spelling errors as I am typing by memory and lastly I am in bedtime mode :) Glasses, PJ's and a bottle of water by my side. Now that the mystery is gone, on with the post!

I recently decided to move back to Brampton to be with my family and aid in the progression of my life. I realized that although being in the middle of nowhere has its advantages there's nothing quite like being surrounded by your loved ones. I miss my friends, my co-workers and most of all my family (and I assume they miss me too!). So on saturday I will be beginning my journey home and wouldn't you know I already have plans for the next day. Who has the best friends in the world?

I recently celebrated my 19th birthday and as you may or may not know I live in Ontario. So now I'm completely legal to smoke drink and gamble my life away if I so choose to do so. I didn't have the typical birthday in which you get completely hammered and stay away from booze for a month. I went to the casino, had a drink and then came home and polished off a bottle of wine with my aunt (being in the middle of nowhere I have no friends here so what's a guy to do?). It was a lovely night and I'm thankful to her for being there. Other then that nothing much has happened in the last little while. I keep on keepin' on. I've got some more heavily themed drinkathons to catch up on when I get back and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. I hope you have been good dear reader and I do apologize for not posting anything sooner.

I leave you tonight with this thought. It's funny the way life works. Sometimes all it takes is to remove yourself from a situation to get a good look and realize that the solution to the problem has been under your nose the whole time. The ones we love get on our nerves but the most important thing to remember is that no matter the problem, it all can be solved with communication. We may not be comfortable talking about certain things but in the end it's the only way to get to the root of a problem and solve it. Cherish your family, spend as much time as possible with them because they won't be around forever. And remember, conflict comes to those who look for it. Don't look for it, and it won't look for you.

Much love interwebs ~~~

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