Saturday, July 14, 2012

An open letter to 'Yahoo!'

First off let me start off by saying I enjoy 'Yahoo!'. I've had an e-mail with them that may be full of spam but still gets used. I use yahoo answers all the time and it's not the worst place to read the news. That being said I read on the interwebz the other day that there had been a major password breach on their servers and that something like 400,000 accounts had been compromised. I paid absolutely no attention to it because I don't have anything sensitive on there anyway so why should I care. Well yesterday I get a notification from Amazon notifying me that a suspicious IP address has tried to change my password. I thought that was odd but whatever. Later I get an e-mail from twitter that said the same thing! Then I had a eureka moment! Those two accounts both use the same username and password that my Yahoo account used. But wait a minute... Certainly if my account had been compromised yahoo would have notified me! Right? Nope. I logged onto my yahoo account this morning and there was no problem. My old password still worked and I saw no mention that my account was now open for the world to see since I assume my username and password are now on some list on some shady website for the scum of the internet to see. Clearly basic damage control says you automatically reset the compromised accounts passwords and notify them IMMEDIATELY. I understand you shouldn't be using the same password across multiple accounts but that's no excuse for them to remain absolutely silent. I will be cancelling all my accounts with those people like many people before me.

Remember when Sony had the same security breach? I couldn't access my account for ages. Then when I finally could the first thing they did was make me reset my password and I haven't lost my faith in them but yahoo? I now trust you more then that nigerian prince who promised to send me millions of dollars!

Farewell Yahoo!!!!!!
Pissed off

Friday, July 6, 2012


One day I'll stick to writing on here. But for now you'll have to live with sporadic posts when I have the chance. It's been a very busy couple of months. I've found a new job which I won't expose to all you lovely Internet peeps but needless to say it has been a hectic crazy few months of learning and sleeping. All in the name of a job that is unlike any job I've ever had before!

So a few weeks ago a headline grabbed my attention. Well, not so much grabbed but ripped my attention away from its normal happy place. You've heard of this whole zombie man in Miami? Well if you haven't step out from under your rock for a few minutes and google it. A man named Rudy Eugene was found at the side of the road in Miami. He was naked and chewing a man's face off. Police said he growled at an officer who told him to stop and appeared to show super human strength. Now that story alone was enough to convince people that we were indeed seeing the beginning of a zombie Apocalypse. But then it was explained that this man wasn't a zombie. He was just on this drug called bath salts. I didn't know whether to be relieved or even more worried! Now there's a drug out there that completely normal people could take which would turn them into cannibals? Lovely. But THEN it came out that this man had nothing but pot in his system. I'm no pot head but I know that pot does not do that to a person. So what turned Rudy Eugene from a church going decent man into a cannibalistic maniac? I guess we'll never know.

Nothing to worry about!
Moving on... It has been an interesting few weeks weather wise. Not only have we seen a lot of heat we've seen some incredibly severe weather. Let me tell you a little story... I was preparing myself for work and was all ready to go when the power went out. I looked outside and it was sunny. Dark in the distance but still sunny! Power stayed out long after I left for work. I got to work and went in and that was that. But my lovely aunt was just down the road from me and happened to get this picture of this monster of a storm funnel whatever going over my head. Can't say I would have felt better knowing that that thing was passing over me but a little heads up from SOMEONE would have been nice!!!

Nope. No longer in Kansas
This next photo was taken around the same time our power went out and is probably the reason WHY the power was out. 5 minutes away from our house this thing roared on whilst the entire village stood on the front lawn asking each other if their lights were off as well.

Overall an interesting month. Each day brings something new and I'm very thankful that my life has taken such an interesting turn over the last few months. I'll leave you to get back to whatever it is you do on the Internet.


Friday, April 13, 2012

So a while back I got into an argument with a friend of mine. He was determined to convince me that evolution was all made up and creationism is where it's at. We probably argued for about 6 hours with neither of us convincing the other in any way that their beliefs were wrong. Here's the thing though. What started out as a polite debate about creationism vs. evolution eventually turned into him trying to tell me that I was going to hell. By the end of it I had brought him down to his last argument which was "you have to believe me because if you don't you're going to hell". This is where you religious nuts lose me. When he said that to me I asked him what he believed was going to happen to the rest of the people on the planet who practice a different religion then him. He told me they were all going to hell too. So I pointed out that most religions had been around a lot longer then his religion so what makes him think his religion is the right religion? Well, the bible [he said] tells us this and this and we must worship the bible. So this went on for ever and ever and by the end of it I was thoroughly convinced there is no god, and he was thoroughly convinced that we are all evil sinners and I'm going to burn for eternity. When he left I felt sad. Not for me but for him, for all those people who are taught from a young age that they are right, the rest of the world is wrong and they are the only ones going to heaven so long as they follow the rules. I live my life. I am a good person and I don't need an organization to tell me that I'm a bad person if I don't do what they feel is right. That is what I elect my government for.
I no longer wish to see you any more!

Why is it that a religion that was created 2000 years ago is acceptable to follow but a new religion comes forward and everyone calls it a cult and criticizes it. Do people not see that to people like me all religions look that way? Whether your religion is 2000 years or 2 years old I don't think any of them are real. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the guidance they offer to people in a crisis or a big life decision. But to tell people to devote their lives to these organizations is wrong. I will not be a part of it and I would appreciate it if these organizations (because I feel that's what they are) would stop approaching me on the street, in the bus, at my door and through my friends. Because I will not change my mind. These people need to learn to respect our difference in opinion and belief because I am sick of being told that I am a bad person for not believing in god! If I walk into a church and tell the pastor I think he's full of crap then I'm doing something wrong. If two people approach me on the street and tell me I'm going to burn and hell and that I'm stupid for not believing in god then that's perfectly OK? I could really go on forever and I would love to start a running segment of creationist arguments and my rebuttals towards them because I have a lot to say! So ciao for now! Stay tuned for more!!


Thursday, April 12, 2012

So it has been awhile since I posted anything! Not like I've just been lazy and ignoring you all! I want you to go back and read the first post in the blog. I'll wait...

The Family
So I'm back! I've come back to the middle of nowhere to try something different and hopefully move forward in life. I'm happier then I've ever been and that alone was worth the trip. I look forward to sharing more with you as I continue this journey!! 

So off we go! Full speed ahead!


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Vunderfull Vezzer Ve are Aving

Hey guys. Thought I'd check in and let you know that I'm not dead. I've been out of town for a bit and too busy to sit down and write out a blog post but here I am!

Smiling Melanoma Machine
I don't know what witchcraft is causing this weather but it's been like summer the past week. Nothing like breaking out the patio furniture in the middle of march. I'm not complaining though! I'll be back to my regular fantastic blog posting later on this week so I hope I haven't lost you forever because I've been gone for a week. Seriously though, how shallow can you be? Do you not love me enough to stand by me in my time of need?

That's it for now! I'll see what I can do about posting something tomorrow... Ciao!


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hello World!

So in the last 48 hours I have had people visit my blog from Canada, America, Ireland, Ukraine, UK, Russia, Germany and Japan. Wow that is quite the diverse audience!! Special super times shout out to everyone who has visited from all around the world!! It's incredible to think that the things that I have to say are read by people so far apart! I guess that's the reality of the internet... But it's hard for me to wrap my head around because when I was little and the internet was something magical and mystical that was primarily used to anger others in the house who wished to use the phone. Screeeeeeeee baaaaaaa ca dun ca dun naaaaaaaaa (That was the dial up sound in case you couldn't tell) and if I wanted to write something for other's to see I'd have to rent a plane and fly it over the city like the wicked witch of the west. But I didn't and lucky for me because here we are!

I do realize that this post may seem a little pointless but it isn't! It is an official welcome from me to everyone reading this from wherever you may be in the world right now. I welcome you :) munchkin land falalalalala...

Alright that's about it for now! I'm interested in getting to know you readers so please leave a comment letting me know what's on your minds! If you don't feel the need to share your thoughts with the entire world you can still leave a comment just be sure to let me know you don't want it published and I guarantee it'll be my eyes only :)

In closing. We are now closed.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Paradigm Shift

Let's talk about something out of the ordinary here. Something potentially life changing. Something so basic it affects all of us in every single aspect of our lives. Let's talk about the power of negativity and positivity and how it can potentially change all of our lives for the better.

Perhaps you've heard about the movie (or the novel) 'The Secret'. This is all about wanting something bad enough that the universe will give it to you. Most of us would read this and automatically assume that it's nonsense. However, this movie made me think about my own life and the course of events on any given day. I began to realize how negative my thoughts had become as I got older. How the things I worried about going wrong in my life are going wrong, how the things I dread come true and how the things that keep me up at night seem unsolvable. The message of this movie was bollocks on the surface but let's read between the lines here. Let's take a look at the message they are trying to get across because when we do we see evidence of it everywhere. I want you to think about your thoughts. Are you thinking about what you want in life? What you don't want? What can go wrong? What has gone wrong? Well stop. These are all negative emotions. If you truly want something then imagine you have it. Imagine the feeling of satisfaction and happiness now that you've finally accomplished your goal or your dream. Don't imagine the work you need to do to get there. Don't imagine the hardships, imagine that one single moment when you've done it. For example let's say you want that promotion at work. You spend all your time thinking about how much you want it but it isn't working. Why is that? You are so focused on want that you aren't thinking about have. Stop thinking about how much you want it and close your eyes and pretend you've gotten that promotion. Feel that pride, satisfaction and happiness. Don't think about the fact that you're only pretending. Don't think about the fact that you haven't actually gotten the promotion. Just sit there and embrace those good positive emotions associated with it. The theory is that subconsciously we are always trying to validate our emotions. If we are worried about missing the bus we will miss the bus, if we are certain we'll catch it then we'll catch it. Likewise if you are experiencing the emotions associated with that promotion you will do everything necessary to attain it.

The theory presented in the movie is basically the same. However, they focus more on energy. The more energy you project the more you receive. If you project negativity you receive negative energy. If you project positive energy you will receive it. This is known as the law of attraction. But what are your thoughts and emotions but different frequencies of energy. Therefore it stands to reason that if I think about my desires enough and I project that image in which I've acquired it, the universe and my own subconscious will do everything it can to validate and attract that which I desire. It's a wonderful thought. It opens up your mind to  an entirely new way of thinking. There are those who would automatically dismiss it and that's fine. But there are also those who are skeptical and try it only to have it fail. Why is that? Because you don't believe it and the universe will validate that.

I feel like I'm very open minded as is my friend (we watched the movie together) and we were incredibly intrigued by this. So we went to the coffee shop. For those non-Canadians we have this think up here called roll up the rim. Basically you get a coffee and you roll up the lip of the cup and either win or lose. You could win many different prizes (coffee, money, cars, doughnuts etc.) but it's a running joke with us that we always lose. So today we decided before we went in to get our coffees we would put this to the test. He sat there with his eyes closed and imagined himself winning. I sat there and did nothing, I consciously expected to lose and he expected to win even though he never has. So we get our coffees and we're sitting there discussing this and he finishes and rolls up the rim. He won, I didn't. Coincidence? Perhaps. But what's the harm in believing positivity and prosperous thoughts attract the things we want and dream of.

If you've read this I thank you. If you aren't convinced that's a shame and I urge you watch this movie (it can be found on Netflix) if not for the metaphysical message then the self help message which is incredibly empowering.

~Sending out happy thoughts to you!~

Friday, March 2, 2012

Iran, Nuclear threat?

So like most of the world I've been following the various events taking place in the middle east. Notably, Iran. I've been following this story closely because not only is it incredibly fascinating it's also incredibly similar to something that happened about ten years ago. Remember the Bush Administration? Remember when they cried about Saddam Hussein and his weapons of mass destruction? Remember how there weren't actually any weapons of mass destruction yet the war continued on for another ten years? Remember?? Or have we all forgotten. History is repeating itself in front of our very eyes and it looks like we're stupid enough to fall for it again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Wake up people! Iran isn't that incredibly stupid that they would risk an all out nuclear war with the U.S. They know that there is no way in hell they would win that war.

Then you have Israel crying for help because a nuclear Iran is a threat to them. Did you catch that last part? TO THEM! Not to us, to them. Why do we in the west feel like we need to meddle in the affairs of the rest of the world? What business do we have to tell them what to do and how to do it? As far as I'm concerned we don't. If Israel is worried then let them worry. They're grown ups, they should be able to defend themselves. As a sovereign nation that has been around for awhile now you would think they'd be able to handle this themselves.

I'm going to end with a little bit of advice to all my fellow neighbours to the south. Think back to the beginning of the Iraq war and think back to the whole you dug yourselves into. A bloody, messy, lengthy EXPENSIVE war that destabilized an entire nation and turned an entire race of people against you. Was it worth it? Is it worth doing again?

Just something to think about


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Watch it!

Gotta keep this short, but me and my friend are partaking in a new project which will be released soon. Until then please watch this!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Advertising, The Internet, and YOU!

This used to be an article supporting internet advertising. At the time (and in the present) I still believe sensible advertising on the internet is important and inherintly necessary. However google decided to suspend my adsense account and seize the money I had made simply for DISCUSSING it.

So here's my new article.

Fuck you google.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dear Occupy...

Dear 99%,

Let me start by saying I have no problem with protest. I have no problem with letting your government know what you're thinking but that isn't what I want to talk about. I want to talk about your message and your purpose. Let's face it, you're failing big time. The media doesn't care and the general public thinks of you as a bunch of lazy squatters. You harass police and get upset when they do their job and cry big bad government whenever you get the chance. With support for your movement dwindling I continue to ask myself why you don't give up. You sleep on the street in the cold and the elements whilst the rich you are protesting against sleep soundly in their beds. Am I the only one who see's that you may be doing this all wrong? Contrary to what you choose to believe this isn't some sort of revolution. It's about a bunch of people who are angry at their country's banking system. I agree with this, but lets not put it on par with the arab spring. I mean, come one. Those people were facing a murderous opressive government and well... your problem is more about a few slimy rich guys who crashed your economy. But here's the thing. What exactly do you hope to accomplish? Do you honestly think that taking to the street day in and day out is really going to make a difference? How about you study hard, get a good paying job and try and change the system from the inside out. It's one of the things that makes our society so great. You CAN go from rags to riches with a lot of hard work and a lot less whining.

When the Occupy movement began I wanted more then anything to go be a part of it but I have a job, bills to pay and responsibilities that can't be put on hold indefinitely whilst I try to change the world. Like it or not you live in a capitalist society. Accept that. If you don't like it then get out in your community, get elected. If people believe in what you believe then you shouldn't have too hard of a time getting your voices heard. But sleeping in parks? Blocking traffic and disrupting the lives of the very people you're trying to help? Enough is enough. You don't win the support of the 99% you represent if you piss them off.
