Thursday, July 28, 2011


So here I am waiting for a movie to finish downloading. It's at like 85% so it shouldn't be too much longer! Yay! I really kinda sorta kinda sorta kinda really want to see this movie. So that makes killing time difficult. So for your enjoyment here's a list of stuff that I've done to pass the time. Enjoy!
-Shot staples at the desk
-bleached my teeth
-played bejeweled
-fake iphone piano

That killed about an hour. I could go to sleep but then I'd have to watch my movie in the wee hours of the morning which would be like noon tomorrow because those are my wee hours of the morning. So there. That is all. I leave you with a video of a monkey pulling a dogs tail. Ahaha...priceless.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Brampton Transit Update

So I've made a lot of progress in my quest to lodge a complaint against Brampton Transit. And I take back what I said before. Brampton Transit will listen to your complaint and investigate the incident... well, as long as you are relentless and do what I did. What is that? Well keep your pants on, I'll tell you!

So I basically called them, it went straight to voicemail and they would call me back later when it was convenient for them (and somehow I was never around a phone. I swear they were watching me and waiting until they knew I wouldn't pick up) and leave me a voicemail telling me buses were delayed due to traffic. So I called back and left a message saying I realize buses are late sometimes but come on, this one just didn't bother showing up at all. They would then leave me a message saying the same thing they said before. All I wanted to do was get my complaint heard so I looked up their customer support email addy and sent them a nice long email! Well I immediately recieved a robot reply stating they would do their best to answer me within 5 days. Not good enough. So I waited a couple days and sent a long rather detailed email to the Mayor of Brampton and bingo. That was the right move. She sent me a response within half an hour. She completely understood my complaint and seemed genuinely sorry and troubled by my experience with the people at (the lack of) customer service. So she asked if she could contact the transit director on my behalf and I was more then happy to agree. Today I recieve an e-mail aknowledging my complaint and asking for more information so they can conduct an investigation. I gave them all the info they need to know and they'll take it from here.

May I just say kudos to our mayor Susan Fennell. She has yet again helped me out when the city refused. She seems to have this connection with the citizens that the rest of the city employees lack and for that I applaud her. Keep up the great work Mayor and you will continue to have my support in the following years.

So, moral of the story? Don't let people push you around. If you have a genuine complaint then make sure your voices are heard. Don't assume things will change on their own if you don't speak up because they won't. This doesn't just apply to my specific situation. It applies in all areas of business. If you are paying for a product and service and you aren't satisfied then why should you have to suffer? That is all for today. Ramble over ;-)

SATISFIED customer

Monday, July 25, 2011

Oh interworld net. I found this video yesterday which has been around for awhile but I tend to avoid youtube because Rogers has such unreasonably LOW internet caps that it just isn't in thebandwidth budget unless I'm in that I don't care mode...but that's another blog.

Anywhooooo it's by Andrew Bravener and it's about youtubers whoring themselves out for likes and comments and subscribers and such and I couldn't agree more! Run over to the youtube and watch it. Let me just find the link...just a moment...duh duh No seriously, watch it. I'll wait...
Welcome back! Now let me tell you a little tale about me. I blog (odviously, did I need to even say that??) I tweet, I facebook, I youtube and although I have no problem posting interconnecting links in my blog posts or my twitter or perhaps publishing my newest youtube video on facebook, I would not consider myself 'in it for the views' or the page hits. I genuinely post my crap on the internet because I enjoy doing it. I enjoy writing these pointless blog posts and connecting with old friends on facebook and twitter... well I whore myself out on twitter. Who doesn't?

But the moral of my story is this. I completely agree with that video I posted and just think people should start considering why they do stuff. Why did you upload that video on youtube? Did you think that people would genuinely enjoy it or are you doing it for views? Do you write blog posts with a gagillion tags so that a bunch of people will accidentally stumble upon it or do you write about what's in your head in the hopes that similar people might come across it and genuinely enjoy what you have to say?

In closing I'm gonna show you how all my blog posts COULD end :)
tweet me! CLICK
facebook me! HERE
SKYPE: chris.green3377
MSN (just kidding.)
GOOGLE MY HOUSE AND KNOCK ON MY DOOR! (No just kidding, don't do that)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Holy Heatwave!

Well guys it's that time of year where the temperatures soar and the air conditioners roar. See what I did there? I rhymed :)

Its been a hot couple of weeks with more to come. Tomorrow it's supposed to go up to 38 (100 fahrenheit for you Americans). To put that in perspective, the hottest temperature EVER here was 38.3. With the humidity it will feel more like 50. So it's kind of something to talk about! Here's hoping we don't have a blackout... That would stink.

Anywhoooo I just thought I'd check in since its been awhile. On a side note I'd like to take this oppertunity to bitch about something. Brampton Transit has to be the worst run transit system ever in regards to customer complaints. Have a complaint? Don't bother calling, they never pick up their phone. If someone from BT happens to read this I'd like to thank you so much for making me wait 45 minutes on two seperate occasions for a bus that made me late for work. Thanks so much guys! Keep up the crap service! If anyone knows how I can actually get in touch with someone at Brampton Transit who won't try and tell me construction has delayed the busses (I couldn't care less that a bus is late, it happens. But this bus just didn't even bother showing up) please hit me up and let me know!


Friday, July 8, 2011

So I was thinking...

So clearly I don't know how old you are but I think that this applies to everyone older then 11. So we know that the internet hasn't been around for a long time. Most of us remember first getting the internet and how freaking amazing it was to be able to talk to your friends on MSN or have a virtual pet on Neopets. But the thing here is that we remember not having the internet. We remember big bulky solitaire computers and because of that we can appreciate it more the better it gets. But then that got me thinking... What about the stuff that we take for granted. Hair straighteners, tv's microwaves, radio. All of these stuff were here when we arrived on this lovely planet (well unless you're incredibly old) and we don't appreciate them. Too us that's just the way it has always been. Now imagine someone born in 2010. Think of the technology that will be around when this child turns 10-15 years old and how all the stuff that we think is so cool will be obsolete and boring to this person. (How on earth my iPhone could become obsolete I'll never know). Can you imagine the things that we (the future old people) will say to them. Well I can. And here's how it would go.

Kid: Dad I don't feel like going to class
Me: Jesus kid, back in my day class wasn't talk in a virtual classroom over the internet! We had to actually go outside in the morning and attend school all day.
Kid: Wow, that sucks. I'm going to go play holograph halo for a bit.
ME: Back in my day we used to have these things called television that we played our games on.
Kid: Gee dad, get with the times.

Well blog, I'm not looking forward to those times. It'll definitely be interesting. You know, assuming we make it through 2012 ;-)

Have a great night blog!

*If future generations are to remember us more with gratitude than sorrow, we must achieve more than just the miracles of technology. We must also leave them a glimpse of the world as it was created, not just as it looked when we got through with it.