Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Brampton Transit Update

So I've made a lot of progress in my quest to lodge a complaint against Brampton Transit. And I take back what I said before. Brampton Transit will listen to your complaint and investigate the incident... well, as long as you are relentless and do what I did. What is that? Well keep your pants on, I'll tell you!

So I basically called them, it went straight to voicemail and they would call me back later when it was convenient for them (and somehow I was never around a phone. I swear they were watching me and waiting until they knew I wouldn't pick up) and leave me a voicemail telling me buses were delayed due to traffic. So I called back and left a message saying I realize buses are late sometimes but come on, this one just didn't bother showing up at all. They would then leave me a message saying the same thing they said before. All I wanted to do was get my complaint heard so I looked up their customer support email addy and sent them a nice long email! Well I immediately recieved a robot reply stating they would do their best to answer me within 5 days. Not good enough. So I waited a couple days and sent a long rather detailed email to the Mayor of Brampton and bingo. That was the right move. She sent me a response within half an hour. She completely understood my complaint and seemed genuinely sorry and troubled by my experience with the people at (the lack of) customer service. So she asked if she could contact the transit director on my behalf and I was more then happy to agree. Today I recieve an e-mail aknowledging my complaint and asking for more information so they can conduct an investigation. I gave them all the info they need to know and they'll take it from here.

May I just say kudos to our mayor Susan Fennell. She has yet again helped me out when the city refused. She seems to have this connection with the citizens that the rest of the city employees lack and for that I applaud her. Keep up the great work Mayor and you will continue to have my support in the following years.

So, moral of the story? Don't let people push you around. If you have a genuine complaint then make sure your voices are heard. Don't assume things will change on their own if you don't speak up because they won't. This doesn't just apply to my specific situation. It applies in all areas of business. If you are paying for a product and service and you aren't satisfied then why should you have to suffer? That is all for today. Ramble over ;-)

SATISFIED customer


  1. I heard from other bus drivers here in Brampton. That they are not allow to be on the cell phone while driving the buses. I as well as you`s know that it`s against the law to be on them while you are driving your car, unless you have one of those ear things and I really don`t mind them using it, but if it affects their driving and not watching the road and taking bends at a higher speed then what`s allow. Then something should be done. One other thing is the drivers don`t mind speeding along their way and then stop for 5 to 6 minutes. Why don`t they just do the speed limit and they can still have their breaks at a station and also they don`t give the people a chance to sit at a seat. I have two bad legs and a bad back and some drivers won`t give me or others to sit before they take off at a high speed. I have seen people fall before and I have also stop people from falling, but one day Brampton Transit is going to get hit with a big complain and even though I won`t do it,except this,but there`s others who will. Sorry for the truth, I like the transit here and there are a few bad apples in the system. Who should be dealt with, Thank-you for concern, about the people who use B.T. and the Transit company. Enjoy your day.

    1. I agree, not to mention them being on their phones means they aren't paying attention to the stops and the riders.

      Don't be afraid to speak up and complain when you have issues with them! That's the only way things will change :-)

      Thanks for your comment!

    2. hey
      finally someone understands what i went through today
      i waited more than 35m for the bus, having three busses pass by, apparently being OUT OF SERVICE. It wasnt at night so theres no excuse, and it was a busy area also.
      In a city that encourages people to think about the environment first, this transit service is surely forcing people not to care about it. Everyone might as well just buy a car, because not only is the transit not punctual but it takes you more than double the time of what you would take with a car.
      For example, it takes me 8-10 minutes from my house to work by car
      and it takes more than 20m by bus... Another example is, it takes me almost 30m from my house to humber college, and it takes me more than an hour by bus. Im not saying they should speed up but sometimes they take their breaks at a stop for far too long and far too often(i dont mind them taking breaks, but i dont like it that is when im in the bus). Another thing is that, it takes around 10m for a bus to get into a terminal and to leave it.
      There should be a solution for this because we should take care of the environment and the transit system should help out.
      The city should look for more ideas in how to avoid people using their cars, so more people would use transit.

      What you did chris shows a lot of courage and i hope i find it too

      thanks for reading me :D

  2. I agree yharlin, it seems to take 10 times longer to get anywhere by bus in that city... My advice to you would be keep at it! If they're giving you a hard time like that then be persistent and get your voice heard! Otherwise things will stay that way forever!

  3. Where can I file a complain too. I have tried reaching to them even at twitter.
