Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hey guys! Long time no post!

Well who knows when my last post was. I sure don't. It's been a hectic couple of weeks and it feels like I've been busy non stop. But tonight was the last christmas dinner which means the end of travel until I go home on sunday. I can't wait to go home. I miss my puppies. I'm getting distracted... I wanted to talk about music! I am someone who lives and breathes music. My iPhone is docked overnight and the first thing I do in the morning is hit play, last thing I do before bed is the same thing. I just think that music is one of the most amazing things ever. There's music for you when you're sad, glad, happy, nervous, heartbroken etc. and there's so much to listen too that it's impossible to get bored with it. I love discovering new music, rediscovering old music and occasionally finding that one song that I put on repeat and listening to over and over. What can I say, music is my drug. I forgot my speakers when I embarked on my holiday travels and I had to dig out an old set of computer speakers but hey, they work!

I leave you with these words of wisdom. Use music to it's full potential. When you're down it can lift you, or it can just validate your feelings. Don't take it for granted, realize how amazing it is and then love it like I do!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

You learn something new every day!

Hey Blog,

I'm just going to apologize in advance for this. It may be considered 'gross' but who cares!

Well blog, today I woke up and I was checking my e-mail which I keep conveniently next to my head and I felt something weird in the back of my throat- almost like a piece of food stuck back there. So naturally I made some nasty throat noises and got it out and when I looked at it I had a wtf moment. It was this white circular blob and it smelled like death. I had absolutely no idea what this was so I googled it and found out I had tonsil stones. Well quite frankly it disgusts me. It's all I've been able to taste all day no matter what I do and would like some advice. How can I get this taste out of my mouth?! Feel free to send me and email click-->HERE<--

Sunday, December 19, 2010

So blogosphere we are smack dab in the middle of the holiday season and it's definitely getting to me! The other day I was so busy I neglected to consume any liquids and ended up severely dehydrated. Won't make that mistake again any time soon... A friend just asked me when I was free this week and it hit me- I'm not. I've got plans monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday monday tuesday wednesday! Holy crap batman! Since when do I (mr.antisocial) make that many plans with people?! The answer is never... Oh man, what a busy week I have ahead of me. It's enough to give someone with a nervous disorder an anxiety attack! But not me :) I'm looking forward to seeing friends and catching up. I'll try to post a bit during the week. Couldn't post yesterday as I was helping someone move and ultimately ended up staying the night and they don't have eenernet. Did you seriously think I was going to post an entire blog entry from my iphone? Not gonna happen.

Talk to you later blogheads.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hey blog, I honestly don't remember if I posted earlier today err- yesterday BUT here I am anyways. I made another youtube video today so ya... Check it out. I can't believe that the utter boredom that is my evening is actually apparant in my writing. It is though and for that I apologize but not really because it is you avid reader who chose to read this. This isn't me judging you of course, I really do appreciate you. Lmao this post is so pointless that I should probably end it. But before I go may I suggest you google lucid dreaming? If you do you'll probably end up at a nifty little forum on a nifty little website called dreamviews.com and if you do and you're incredibly fascinated then remember who referred you... rockinred is who referred you. Ok, that's all for now. Just thought I'd close my evening with a blog post.

My eyes are starting to swell and water due to cat on my lap and over sleepiness so I'm off to bed. Love you blog!

PS A friend shared this link with me before I went to bed. Get ready to click it.............NOW

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ho Ho Ho

Hey blogoshpere,

Thought I would let you know that I will be taking a break from vlogging and blogging alike over the holidays! Just too hectic to get any videos done. I plan to maybe make one more video tomorrow, just for you!! I'll try to write a couple blog posts over the holidays... Merry Christmas everyone!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

It's cold. So cold

Hello blogosphere. Today is the coldest day of the season so far. The temperature is -26 with the windchill (that's -15 Fahrenheit for you Americans out there). The funny thing is, yesterday at this time it was hovering around 5 (40F) and it dropped down within an hour creating a flash freeze! Oh the fun that is. My facebook is flooded with funny stories but the one that's amused me the most is this: ‎45 minutes trapped in my Mini. Doors frozen. Got in through trunk. Then had it shut. Then got trapped. Hubby brought me out a cup of tea. I ♥ -24 weather.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Hey Blog!

Holy crap, it's been what...6 days? I've managed to post something every single day and for that I pat myself on the back.

So it occured to me that although this blog's title is....well you know what it is. I still haven't posted anything about my new life. The reason for this dear blog is because although I moved weeks and weeks ago I am actually back in the old house for the holidays. But whatever, I'll pretend it's two weeks ago and we'll take it from there.

I am an animal lover. I love all animals from cats dogs to spiders. I'm one of the few people who won't kill a bug who intrudes but trap them and set them free! Lucky for me I now have 3 amazing dogs and two cats. These animals mean the world to me. Each one has their own personality and their own way of doing things. It's amazing that anybody could call animals stupid! They can understand whatever language we speak to them, they love you unconditionally and never nag you about making a mess. How anybody could hate them baffles me. Isn't nature amazing? These dogs could kill you with one bite but they never would! It's just something I've been thinking about. O.o

Later blog!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Process

Hey blog how are you today? Bored? Aww that's a shame, maybe I can help.

So I thought I'd post my video making process for those who care (mostly me). So the idea for a video almost always comes to me at 2am when I'm trying to fall asleep. So I always keep my laptop next to my head so that I can write it down before I forget. Before I make a video I obsess over what I'm going to talk about because I'm incredibly awkward in front of a camera and I can't bear the thought of sitting there with nothing to say! Then I shower and clean up my messy mop of hair, make sure I'm not wearing the same thing as I was in my last video and voila! Time to set up the camera which consists of an upturned bowl, a coffee can and a notepad. Show time! I start the camera and begin to talk trying to get as much of it as possible in one shot and if necessary I then film any cut-scenes. After I film I clean up, stick the memory card in my computer and edit away!

God that was pointless, but you know what? You were the one who sat here and read it. So that makes you as lame as me :)

Be sure to check out my youtube videos!

peace out homiegpizzaslice

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Old Folks and the Internet

Before I begin today's blog entry I'd just like to thank my friend David for his help today on my newest video. It turned out great! You're a good sport ;) If you care to watch my newest video please click here. On with the blog!

So I was going through all the apps on my phone today and I noticed one that I had completely forgotten about. It was an app that has the complete series of Grimms Fairy Tales. As I read through the first couple stories they got me thinking. All of these stories are amazing! I understand the need to dull them down for small children but how come these haven't all been made into adult films?

I read one story in which these two animals murder a hotel...guy. Another in which an old maid got dragged through the streets in a crate with nails and another where a cat and a mouse were in love and the cat eventually ended up eating the mouse. These stories are the kind of thing our societies eat right up, but many of them lay dormant on bookshelves. It's a shame.

Have a good morning/day/evening! Whichever suits you best!


EDIT: You may be wondering why the title has absolutely nothing to do with the post. It was the title of a blog entry I started, saved and neglected to actually make. I completely forgot to change the title. :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Entry into the Vlog world!

So ladies and gentlemen- or my one reader. I decided to break my one year youtube dry spell and finally make a video!! But as far as creativity goes I lack it greatly. So I decided to make a Vlog! Short sweet and too the point. These kind of videos create a unique challenge for me because I can't talk to a camera without a script. I literally freeze. I'm the kind of person who likes to not only go over what they're gonna say several thousand times but I'm also very camera shy. When I look into the camera I might as well be standing in front of a room full of people. So please don't judge me to harshly. Keep in mind it doesn't come natural to me ;) Enjoy!

Umm so Hi!

Hello! I'm a terrible blogger. I've attempted many many times to start one but I honestly have a very teeny tiny attention span so it's never panned out but here's hoping this one will stick!

So I guess these things usually start out with a little intro from me... My name is Chris and I'm 18. My favourite thing to do is to take pictures and make cheesy youtube videos (in case you're interested you can click here for my photography and here for my youtube channel). I've recently decided that my life is in a rut and something needs to be changed. It seems when MY life is in a rut it has an adverse effect on those around me so I packed my bags and embarked on my greatest journey yet. I moved over 400km away to a teeny tiny village. I lived in Toronto so this is quite a change for me. The people are all white (culture shock much?) and the people don't even lock their doors! Although it's different and better I do miss the city... Not the city city. Who would miss traffic jams, crime, smog and the likes. I miss the people. I miss the multiculturalism and most of all I miss the Tim Hortons being within walking distance.

Holy crap, long enough intro? I think so. I look forward to posting about my shananigans and I leave you with a picture of my new family...kind of.