Monday, December 6, 2010

Umm so Hi!

Hello! I'm a terrible blogger. I've attempted many many times to start one but I honestly have a very teeny tiny attention span so it's never panned out but here's hoping this one will stick!

So I guess these things usually start out with a little intro from me... My name is Chris and I'm 18. My favourite thing to do is to take pictures and make cheesy youtube videos (in case you're interested you can click here for my photography and here for my youtube channel). I've recently decided that my life is in a rut and something needs to be changed. It seems when MY life is in a rut it has an adverse effect on those around me so I packed my bags and embarked on my greatest journey yet. I moved over 400km away to a teeny tiny village. I lived in Toronto so this is quite a change for me. The people are all white (culture shock much?) and the people don't even lock their doors! Although it's different and better I do miss the city... Not the city city. Who would miss traffic jams, crime, smog and the likes. I miss the people. I miss the multiculturalism and most of all I miss the Tim Hortons being within walking distance.

Holy crap, long enough intro? I think so. I look forward to posting about my shananigans and I leave you with a picture of my new family...kind of.

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