Sunday, December 19, 2010

So blogosphere we are smack dab in the middle of the holiday season and it's definitely getting to me! The other day I was so busy I neglected to consume any liquids and ended up severely dehydrated. Won't make that mistake again any time soon... A friend just asked me when I was free this week and it hit me- I'm not. I've got plans monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday monday tuesday wednesday! Holy crap batman! Since when do I (mr.antisocial) make that many plans with people?! The answer is never... Oh man, what a busy week I have ahead of me. It's enough to give someone with a nervous disorder an anxiety attack! But not me :) I'm looking forward to seeing friends and catching up. I'll try to post a bit during the week. Couldn't post yesterday as I was helping someone move and ultimately ended up staying the night and they don't have eenernet. Did you seriously think I was going to post an entire blog entry from my iphone? Not gonna happen.

Talk to you later blogheads.

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